Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Amazing Songs

I dunno why but I always get butterflies when I listen to Northern Downpour by Panic At The Disco. Does that ever happen to you? I always feel weird but in a good way. Of all the music, that's the one song that really gets to me. I sometimes want to cry while listening to that song. Kind of like I have some kind of spiritual connection with that song. For a lot of Panic's 'Pretty.Odd.', I get butterflies while listening to 'When the day met the night' but 'northern downpour' is the one song that I feel like it can make anything better. Know what i mean? No, I guess not. A lot of people would probably think that I'm just a stoner or something. Well, I hope you get to feel that one day, if you haven't already. If you have, please let me know on the comments or write your own blog and put the link in the comments. I'll try my hardest to read it.
~XOXO AnaBella Hart

P.S. I don't appreciate rude comments. Especially if I'm telling you something like this so please don't leave rude comments. thanks ;D

Northern Downpour Pictures, Images and Photos

Northern Downpour Pictures, Images and Photos

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