So, today was my last day of sophamore year in high school. And when the next year starts, we're given a new batch of fresh meat.
Now, every year, when the 8th graders are being "promoted", our principal gives a speech about how our school is hard working, social, and very welcoming. Now, although our
and football players
are a bunch of kiss asses, pur school is nothing like that.I remember my first day of high school. In the morning, i was so eager to get to school and experience a new world and make new friends. By 6th period, all i thought was "GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!"
High school is the worst experience i've ever gone through and i'm so glad i can say it's half way over. The down side is, i have two more years to go. But, i guess it's a vital part of my teen years and has the most important rights of teenage passage such as pep rallys, prom, and even dating. Considering i have done none of those, i still have a long way to go. I just wish it could come without all the emotional damage.