Saturday, July 12, 2008

The stoner video (Candy Mountain)


LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

I'VE SEEN THAT VIDEO SO MANY TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH, how it must feel good to be a stoner.

It's been a while!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wow, my last post was how long ago? idk

well, nowaday's i'm into the whol twilight saga. My band and i are trying to get serious but we're a bunch of teenage wackjobs who like to gall themselves girls. HAHA! i don't really update anything enywhere. i have a BUZZNET, BEBO (for my band and me), MYSPACE for my band, VAMPIREFREAKS, LIVEJOURNAL, IMEEM, SHELFARI, and of course BLOGGER but for some odd reason, i never seem to update often. I'm gonna try to update as often as i can but there really isn't anything that exciting in my life. I managed to stay away from drama as much as possible since the fifth grade, let's see what happens next.

I still LOVE My Chemical Romance and Panic At The Disco but not so much Fall Out Boy and Paramore is still a band I really like but they're not in my top 5 anymore.

I love Sene Queen Audrey Kitching. here are my favorite pictures of her.
She's also known as Twigg

With Zui fo Trashy Life

With Jac Vanek

With Jac Vanek and Hanna Beth